Happy Thursday!
WITHINANUTSHELL – Forgive us for sounding like a broken record: but damn we've had soooo many warm and sunny days this Autumn! More on the way this weekend. WIND AND RAIN SUNDAY! Just about all of the leaves have blown off the trees; even the tamaracks are just about drained of needles. The geese are sticking aound, the same group with the limper. Not too much rain to report about, certainly not enough to rile-up the river. Fog and frogs. Looking to see what an active beaver construction-zone is like? Check out the Dead Creek Flow Trail. Some recent action no more than a quarter mile in, but more impressively is the site up where the trail begins to catch-up with Dead Creek Flow. (See first image above) WEAR ORANGE IN THE WOODS! Folks looking for deer at the same time folks not looking for deer are seeing deer out here. Confused mosquitos and dragonflies. Happy trails! Judy James and others report the trails are in be in good shape. A gentleman out hunting behind Black Duck Hole reported a friendly Otter. in a small pond. Holiday Bizarre St. Huberts Saturday! Cranberry Lake and Star Lake Fire Departments sure could use your support! Regular Town Board Meeting Second Wednesday, November 9th @ 6:30 Star Lake. Here’s a link to the most recent town board meeting minutes HERE: Town Of Fine: Minutes: October 12, 2022: October Regular Meeting [Digital Towpath] Today's Ice Jam Danger remains LOW (two years in a row without an ice jam).
UP THE RAPIDS - Ever wonder where all that foam comes from? Here's a shot (front and back) of a classic Oswegatchie foam catcher just about a quarter mile up the river. Brew it and spew it, baby. That's some fresh local, outdoor organic stuff.
FORECAST - Weekend is looking nice! Rain and wind sinday. This weather forecast is brought to you by Wanakena’s own PATTIJACKNAN weather team – a Wanakener garage-pole-mounted weather station and crew. THANKS, TEAM! Wanakena, NY 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground (wunderground.com)
DOWN AT THE ABODE - Okay we've narrowed-down our Thanksgiving Hours. CLOSED Thanksgiving Day, CLOSED Friday and opening late Saturday 3-7pm. (see ad below) So, dont bring tooooo much beer up to camp - buy some of ours Saturday evening! Did you know: We are one of the few places around that offers GLUTEN-FREE beer? IT'S TRUE, OKAY! We'll be back OPEN regular schedule SUNDAY 9-5 and onward. We hope to see you! But you should bring your own cranberry sauce. THESE DAYS produce is STILL stacking HIGH! Getting produce from Martin's in Potsdam and Certified Organic from Juniper Hill Farm (like last winter) via Wadhams, NY. We've got FARM EGGS once again!!! Spinach, Winter Squash, beets, turnip, radish, kale, sweet potato, carrots cabbage, apples, lettuce. AND MORE! C'mon!!! Get down here and eat this stuff!!! We all know it's "gift-giving season" on the horizon. Wont you consider stopping in and purchasing some of the stuff in our shop? A fishing lure can double as a very lovely Christmas ornament or lapel. Thanks for shopping local! Next "FOLK JAM" is PENDING. We had a good run-of-it, but seek change, evolution. "We didn't lose steam, we gained experience!" Yes, hold on to your butts, folks: we're re-imagining the good ol' "Folk Jam". seeking a more "appropriate" and "enjoyable" method, concept and title. How folk-y of us, huh? Well, folk you. Anyway, more info to come. We were open SIX DAYS A WEEK though the winter; closed on Wednesdays ALL DAY and opening "late" Mondays and Tuesdays 5pm - 9pm. "Your delight is out delight!"
ABODE CONTINUED - Looking ahead... Mark it down: New Year's Eve Midnight Bash and Otto's Open house. After that is our IceJamBoree 7TH Birthday Bash during Presidents Day Weekend/WhiteOut Weekend. Snow Croquet season is right around the corner. Autumn Croquet season is OPEN! Laura Foster of Hen Island Bags dropped-off another bakers-thirteen; the patterns, the colors! Oh my we love these bags! Snowmobile trail maps in stock - a NEW and updated one at that! BACK IN STOCK: We've got a bunch of copies of the NEW-ish Wanakena Murder Mystery by Janet Irvin on the shelves; BROKEN. New ART on the walls through Thanksgiving! GWIZDALALAND. COLD BEER SOLD HERE! Over SIXTY varieties of beer/cider/etc... in the walk-in cooler. Howard Graham's 2022 liquid gold. COME AND GET IT! Gallons, half-gallons, quarts! Bread, milk, eggs and many more dry, cold and frozen groceries. TAKE A PEEK. Candy, snacks, ice cream and soft drinks, too. Fresh ground HOT COFFEE and baked goods at the counter. Books, maps, music for your browsing pleasure. Camping/fishing/hiking knickknack patty-whacks. The Clifton Community Library in Cranberry Lake has installed a fantastic Library Drop Box. Folks in town will be able to drop-off library items and also pick-up pre-ordered items! More info to come. CALL UP THE LIBRARY AND GET IT DONE! Perhaps visit their website, too. Why be a square when you could be a deconstructed cube?
ON VIEW - NEW PAINTINGS BY MATT GWIZDALLA! On view until Thanksgiving-time. Here's a note from Gwiz: Painting is a meditative process for me. Starting a landscape and not knowing what the end result will be, is something that drives my creative process. I use depth distance and detail to convey different aspects of nature and its complexities, with a flare of the surreal qualities found within the depths of my imagination. Through the use of colors and textures, I strive to create work that is calming, despite its sometimes other worldly appearance. Also on view: SAG BAGGIN' - Sag Baggin' is what it's called because Bag Saggin' was just a little too much. Sag Baggin' is in direct response to "Peak Bagging". Mom says: A synonym of "sag" is "languish". The definition for languish - as stolen from the internet - is as follows "To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor. To exist or continue in miserable or disheartening conditions. To remain unattended or be neglected." New York Times has a big article about "Languishing during the pandemic" but we don't pay for it so we can't read the article online - corduroy pillows; simply headlines. Though interesting and relevant in different ways, we're talking about sags not languishment; back to sags! If you'll notice, on hiking maps of the public wildland areas surrounding Cranberry Lake, many of the trails go AROUND the mounds. One could argue treading in the sags. Sure, there are some peaks here and there, but mostly we are the dismal swamp, not the popular photogenic perches sought by selfie servants. You know you hear all about the parts of the Adirondacks that are overcrowded, so it is recommended to visit other lesser-used portions of the park. Well, that's us. "They" are sending "Them" HERE! We're here to greet'em. Sag Baggin'. Welcome! Sag Baggin' is an investigation into alternative outdoor recreational pursuits. We're just getting re-started and have no intentions of ending the search any time soon. Theres a ton of other ART items here and there in the shop and around the building. Sniff around.
WANAKENA POST OFFICE 13695 - Open for business six days a week! Thanks, Mary for running the show!
BLACKWATERS CAFÉ AND TRADING POST - Open 8AM - 3:30PM. Special dinner hours Fridays until 7pm! Closed Sundays and Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays. www.blackwaterscafe.com
RANGER SCHOOL - Class of 2023 in session! Campus hiking trails remain open to the public. Stay away from the buildings, though. Park way up in the student parking lot if you must. Alumni newsletter: fALL 2022 Newsletter.pub (nysrsaa.org). CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM. Webcam | The Ranger School | SUNY ESF - Also for fun: Why Colleges Should Not Sell Their Radio Stations - Radio World
PACKBASKET ADVENTURES – Website says: "We are OPEN FOR BUSINESS - Come have a safe and relaxing stay!"
WANAKENA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION – History Center and The Walking Tour around Wanakena has been CLOSED-UP and TAKEN DOWN for the cold-weather months. There are still a few permanent kiosks that stay up all winter long! Worth a look! C'mon out and take a peek.
WANAKENA CHURCH – Closed for the season! See you in the fall. Did you know this song was performed and recorded via the Wanakena Church Organ in May 2016? Cranberry Lake | Z Plan (bandcamp.com)
WANAKENA PUBLIC BATHROOM AND DOCK - Speaking of pickles: Wanakena Saturday Morning Pickleball has wrapped it up for the season; pickle paddles are packed-up! Bathroom is still open! The old dock has sold! Make way for new! This spring! Great job everyone! In case you or anyone else was wondering: Wanakena Sewar and Wanakena Water are well and in working order as well.
WANAKENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION – First time ever: someone had to get paid to mow the cemetery (no volunteers available). Cremation Remains burial has gone up from $150 to $250. Also, there is no longer a backhoe charge for cremation burial because they don’t use a backhoe for cremation burials any longer.
WANAKENACCOMODATIONS - "Where do people stay?" is the question... the answer: IN A TENT. Just kidding - it's more complicated than that. But, we'll start with the tent (or hammock, or under stars, etc...) Lots of primitive camping!!!!!! All free and open to the public!!!!!! State Campground when it's open. Looking for more? A roof over-head? Coyote Den Motel in Cranberry Lake. Besides that, Packbasket Adventures Lodge in Wanakena. Wanakena has a number of "vacation" rental homes available. They are all of ADKbyOWNER/AirBnB/VrBo variety -only available during warm months only, usually. It's someone else's place that YOU stay at. In other words: you can't just show up in Wanakena and expect to get a hotel roof under your head. You need to plan accordingly with your fancy pants smart phone. Do an internet search for Wanakena ADKbyOWNER/AirBnB/VrBo rentals and stuff will pop-up.
HAREWOOD – Clifton Community Library in Cranberry Lake is OPEN six days a week (closed mondays)! Dont forget about the Book Drop Box at Otto's Abode! Cranberry Lake Mountaineers gearing-up for another season - looking for support! They deserve it: voted BEST club in the STATE last year! Neon Sign back up at Stone Manor! They're still closed, but C'MON: LIGHT IT UP! Bridgework continues over the Oswegatchie in Cranberry Lake. FIRST STRIKE CLFD Fishing Derby January 28th 2023! Lakeside Genral Store has CLOSED for the season. The business has been sold to new owners and we should all be excited to see what happens next! NEW Motel in town! It's called Coyote Den. Right by the Oswegatchie on Rt. 3. The HUB and TILLY'S are still in early developmental stages. Five Ponds Partners kickstarted and initiated port-o-johns at some local trailheads! Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall! Cranberry Lake State Campground is CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. Don't forget about our other nearest-by neighbors to east: Sevey's Point and Thirsty Moose!
OUT WEST - Star Lake Ice Rink ("Town of Clifton") is HIRING for the upcoming season! GET IT!!!! Figure Skating Sign-ups now! SOS is planning SHOP LOCAL DAY Dec 3rd! NOV 13th Painting Slate with Suzie Thaller @ SOS! Green Pinky Farm in Oswegatchie has a lot to offer! Holiday Bazaar Saturday, Nov 5th @ St. Huberts. ALSO "Holiday Pop-Up Shop" Nov 5th at Community Center Star Lake. Bargain Hunter memory-tree via the CF Hospital Auxiliary deadline the 14th. Circle K Holiday Tree Elves are coming too. Cranberry Lake Mountaineers gearing-up for another season - looking for support! They deserve it: voted BEST club in the STATE last year! The new Star Lake Church is having a week-long "Fall Revival" right NOW! The Clifton-Fine class of 2023 presents: LOST AND FOUND IN IKIEA - a play by Gary Ray Stapp. November 18 and 19, 2022 at the auditorium 7pm. AA every Friday night at SOS 7pm. Western Adirondack Presbyterian Church in Star Lake welcomes you! FREE COMMUNITY MEAL at St. Huberts Church Wednesdays at 5PM! Hop on shuttle #22 of the St Lawrence County Volunteer Transportation Bus if you need a lift! Largest Adirondack solar project to date goes before APA (adirondackexplorer.org) Coffee Fever has CLOSED. "For good." Yikes! That also means NO CCL book drop-box there - luckily there is one at Otto's Abode in Wanakena. Hillside Diner has recently closed for good, also. Wanakena's closest neighbor, Mountain Gate Redemption near Benson Mines, is having a garage sale soon since they will be closing for good. SCOOPS Ice Cream has closed for the season. Jrecks has recently closed for the season. Twin Lakes Hotel, American Legion, Todd Hardware are OPEN! Dollar General and Circle J’s in Star Lake are OPEN! SOS is OPEN here and there for programing. CF Golf Course, Clifton-Fine Hospital, Community Bank, Adirondack Pharmacy, Clifton-Fine Community Center OPEN! Still further west in Oswegatchie UB’s, and Adirondack Rustics are open! Green Pinky Farm near Oswegatchie is OPEN! CFCSD Fitness Room: OPEN to community members (paperwork required). Also, the school is ALWAYS hiring, various positions. Lots more to discover on their facebook page. GO EAGLES! Remember the PACKRAFTING RACE this past summer? Here's a NEW website worth checking out with maps and photos of the race: EMWC 2022 — Packrafting Adventures.
KIM AND THOMS LOST DOG REPORT - As of today, there are NO lost dogs in Wanakena. Woof Woof! Lost cat in the neighborhood, though! A possible "drop-off". MEOW! Black and white kitty.
THIS TIME LAST YEAR HERE - Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #91 - 10/28/21 - 11/03/21 (ottosabode.org) AND TWO YEARS AGO!!!!! HERE: Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #39 - 10/29/20 - 11/04/20 (ottosabode.org)
HAREWOOD – Clifton Community Library in Cranberry Lake is OPEN six days a week (closed mondays)! Dont forget about the Book Drop Box at Otto's Abode! Cranberry Lake Mountaineers gearing-up for another season - looking for support! They deserve it: voted BEST club in the STATE last year! Neon Sign back up at Stone Manor! They're still closed, but C'MON: LIGHT IT UP! Bridgework continues over the Oswegatchie in Cranberry Lake. FIRST STRIKE CLFD Fishing Derby January 28th 2023! Lakeside Genral Store has CLOSED for the season. The business has been sold to new owners and we should all be excited to see what happens next! NEW Motel in town! It's called Coyote Den. Right by the Oswegatchie on Rt. 3. The HUB and TILLY'S are still in early developmental stages. Five Ponds Partners kickstarted and initiated port-o-johns at some local trailheads! Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall! Cranberry Lake State Campground is CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. Don't forget about our other nearest-by neighbors to east: Sevey's Point and Thirsty Moose!
OUT WEST - Star Lake Ice Rink ("Town of Clifton") is HIRING for the upcoming season! GET IT!!!! Figure Skating Sign-ups now! SOS is planning SHOP LOCAL DAY Dec 3rd! NOV 13th Painting Slate with Suzie Thaller @ SOS! Green Pinky Farm in Oswegatchie has a lot to offer! Holiday Bazaar Saturday, Nov 5th @ St. Huberts. ALSO "Holiday Pop-Up Shop" Nov 5th at Community Center Star Lake. Bargain Hunter memory-tree via the CF Hospital Auxiliary deadline the 14th. Circle K Holiday Tree Elves are coming too. Cranberry Lake Mountaineers gearing-up for another season - looking for support! They deserve it: voted BEST club in the STATE last year! The new Star Lake Church is having a week-long "Fall Revival" right NOW! The Clifton-Fine class of 2023 presents: LOST AND FOUND IN IKIEA - a play by Gary Ray Stapp. November 18 and 19, 2022 at the auditorium 7pm. AA every Friday night at SOS 7pm. Western Adirondack Presbyterian Church in Star Lake welcomes you! FREE COMMUNITY MEAL at St. Huberts Church Wednesdays at 5PM! Hop on shuttle #22 of the St Lawrence County Volunteer Transportation Bus if you need a lift! Largest Adirondack solar project to date goes before APA (adirondackexplorer.org) Coffee Fever has CLOSED. "For good." Yikes! That also means NO CCL book drop-box there - luckily there is one at Otto's Abode in Wanakena. Hillside Diner has recently closed for good, also. Wanakena's closest neighbor, Mountain Gate Redemption near Benson Mines, is having a garage sale soon since they will be closing for good. SCOOPS Ice Cream has closed for the season. Jrecks has recently closed for the season. Twin Lakes Hotel, American Legion, Todd Hardware are OPEN! Dollar General and Circle J’s in Star Lake are OPEN! SOS is OPEN here and there for programing. CF Golf Course, Clifton-Fine Hospital, Community Bank, Adirondack Pharmacy, Clifton-Fine Community Center OPEN! Still further west in Oswegatchie UB’s, and Adirondack Rustics are open! Green Pinky Farm near Oswegatchie is OPEN! CFCSD Fitness Room: OPEN to community members (paperwork required). Also, the school is ALWAYS hiring, various positions. Lots more to discover on their facebook page. GO EAGLES! Remember the PACKRAFTING RACE this past summer? Here's a NEW website worth checking out with maps and photos of the race: EMWC 2022 — Packrafting Adventures.
KIM AND THOMS LOST DOG REPORT - As of today, there are NO lost dogs in Wanakena. Woof Woof! Lost cat in the neighborhood, though! A possible "drop-off". MEOW! Black and white kitty.
THIS TIME LAST YEAR HERE - Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #91 - 10/28/21 - 11/03/21 (ottosabode.org) AND TWO YEARS AGO!!!!! HERE: Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #39 - 10/29/20 - 11/04/20 (ottosabode.org)
Any questions, comments, concerns, trail condition inquiries, legends, jokes, animal sightings, cartoons, etc… Feel free to email otto@ottosabode.org or call 3158483008 or pop-in the shop! How about a SUBMISSION?!! Write “submission” in the subject line if emailing. Wanakena Weekly is archived on our website. www.ottosabode.org Wanakena Weekly is brought to you by the folks at Otto's Abode.