Happy Thursday! Happy November!
WITHINANUTSHELL – Wanakena Halloween was a soggy flop. Windy AND rainy. SPOOKY! Star Lake held some Halloween festivities at Legion and Firehall. Regular deer season has begun: WEAR ORANGE IN THE WOODS! Deer starting to leave the forest to bein walking through town. RIGHT THROUGH OUT BACKYARD. Frost last week - SNOW THIS WEEK! Yes, Wanakena experienced a few small snow events this past week. Some stuck to stuff but not much. The Tamaracks are turning golden glow! Downtown Public Restroom STILL OPEN! The Newspaper delivery guy is STILL stocking the newspaper machine out front - last year it ended for the winter sometime around this time of year. Hikers still out there! Take extra caution while hiking; roots, rocks and holes are not hiding under the fallen leaves waiting to twist your ankle! SOS's Clifton-Fine's Shop Local Romp is Saturday, December 4th - MORE INFORMATION TO COME! Don't forget to change your clocks Sunday! Counting down the days until SNOW CROQUET SEASON begins. Snowmobiles and snow birds. Next Regular Town Board Meeting November 10th @ 6:30. Here’s a link to the most recent town board meeting minutes HERE: Town Of Fine: Minutes: October 13, 2021: Town Board Meeting [Digital Towpath]Budget Workshop from October 5th here: Town Of Fine: Minutes: October 05, 2021: Budget Workshop [Digital Towpath] Joint Town Board Meeting Minutes from 10/6 here: Town Of Fine: Meetings: October 06, 2021: Fall Joint Town Board Meeting [Digital Towpath]
FORECAST - NO rain forecast until Wednesday! Going to get down in the 20s Thurs/Fri night! Warming up through the weekend into next week, though! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday warm near 50 and clear! For folks who still have their boats in the water: WOOHOO! THIS IS IT!!!! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS SUNDAY! Change them clocks! All the clocks we didn't change in the spring will be correct again! This weather forecast is brought to you by Wanakena’s own PATTIJACKNAN weather team – a Wanakener garage-pole-mounted weather station and crew. THANKS, TEAM! This weather station can be found HERE: Wanakena, NY 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground (wunderground.com) Lots of updates on the CliftonFineADK website these days, too: Clifton-Fine Community News & Events (cliftonfineadk.com). Also: Wanakena Tracks - Posts | Facebook and Hiking the trail to yesterday - Home | Facebook
FIVE PONDS WILDERNESS/HELICOPTER LUMBER ROMP - Last week the sound of low-flying helicopters filled the air! Any Wanakener knows this is nothing special. Folks fly their helicopters, fighter jets, drones, etc... low, low, low over Wanakena all the time. They must think no one lives here (WELL, WE DO!). Once we threw a snowball at a fighter jet and the piolet caught it. Anyway... turns out that THIS low-flying helicopter was in-fact a NYS DEC helicopter air-lifting lumber and materials way out into The Five Ponds Wilderness. Specifically near Glasby Pond where there will be a footbridge constructed over the outlet. Currently you would have to hop and skip over some slippery boulders on your way to and fro Cat Mountain - SOON you will have a NICE BRIDGE! The photo below is from the CL50 Public Facebook Page where there was some cliché comments about wilderness conundrums. HAPPY TRAILS!
DOWN AT THE ABODE - THE ABODE HAS BEEN SHIELDED WITH PLATIC FOR THE WINTER! The Post Office too; same porch. Wee-Keena Library open 24/7/360. FRESH PRODUCE "DROP" this Saturday afternoon... Catch the stash Saturday early-ish-evening or Sunday morning! No music events lined up at the moment. This time last year there was a ROUST (which wound up being relocated to the Cranberry Lake Pavilion due to weather. There has been chatter about ROUSTING but nothing seems to be actualizing at the moment. We are currently in-between art exhibitions - WHICH IS GREAT! It is very refreshing to have the gallery space open and flexible. Stop-in to see what we're working on! The Gazebo is WRAPPED-UP! The Firewood rack is WRAPPED-UP! The Garden is FROST BIT! All is well! Did you know there are over SIXTY varieties of beer/cider/seltzer in the walk-in cooler?!?! GULP! NEW CLBC/GREEN GOAT MAPS NAVIGATION MAP OF CRANBERRY LAKE! This map is HOT off the presses and available for purchase here at Otto's Abode for $11.95. Fresh produce, milk, eggs, bread, dry good groceries in cans, dry good groceries in boxes, dry good groceries in bags, groceries in the freezer, local cheeses, snack sacks, candy racks and more. Ice cream! Cold drinks, HOT COFFEE. Books, maps, postcards, gifts and necessities. Trail information for any wondering soul; stop in the shop or give us a call. Right along the Cranberry Lake 50 and a hop skip and a jump up from the Oswegatchie River/Cranberry Lake! Post office next door for all your mailing needs 10-noon M-Sat - thanks, Mary! When else can we say? LOTS, but we've said enough! CLOSED ON TUESDAYS!
BLACKWATERS CAFÉ AND TRADING POST - Open: Tuesday and Wednesday 8am-3pm & Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 8am - 7pm. Closed Sunday and Monday. "Yes, we're open! We added a DELI to out cafe and trading post! Daily meat & cheese discounts, veggies, dairy items, bread, specialty foods and gifts, dozens of teas, fishing supplies, local artisan pieces, books. We have two air purifiers, and we have an ONLINE take-out menu if you don't want to come inside. And YES, we still serve beer and wine with your meal!!! www.blackwaterscafe.com 3153094040 - closed the last two weeks of December and the last two weeks of April." CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM HERE: gotsnowcams.com - New York - paul@NorthernChateau@.com
WANAKENA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION – FIELD TRIP last Friday. YES! An Adirondack Ecology class from Edward-Knox School visited the WHA History Center last week. Woohoo! WHA Donation Jar down here at Otto's! The bottle and can cart is GONE for the winter. The Walking Tour around Wanakena is CLOSED for the cold-weather season! The History Center is CLOSED for the cold-weather season! WHA Picture Kiosks can still be seen around town, though. Intriguing artifact at Station #4 (photo below)
PACKBASKET ADVENTURES – Website says: "We are OPEN FOR BUSINESS and following NYS DOH Guidelines. We are accepting reservations with proof of completed vaccination protocol OR proof of negative Covid test within 3 days of planned arrival. Come have a safe and relaxing stay!"
RANGER SCHOOL - Hiring kitchen staff! In other news: Students! Faculty! Staff! Ranger School Class of 2022 is IN SESSION! Campus hiking trails remain open to the public. Stay away from the buildings, though. CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM HERE: Webcam | The Ranger School | SUNY ESF
WANAKENA CHURCH – Wanakena Church CLOSED for Fall, Winter and Spring. Service schedule September 12th - May 29, 2022: Star Lake 11:00am. ZOOM meeting # 666 365 4813.
WANAKENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION – Cremation Remains burial has gone up from $150 to $250. Also, there is no longer a backhoe charge for cremation burial because they don’t use a backhoe for cremation burials any longer.
WANAKENA PUBLIC DOCK - Closed for the Season. Reason? Freezin'. Well, not "closed", rather, moved to it's winter hiatus position down-river.
HAREWOOD – NEW hours at Clifton Community Library started 10/11 Tuesday – Friday 10:00-2:00, Saturday 10:00-1:00, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:00, ****CLOSED ON MONDAYS****. Cranberry Lake Book Club first Mondays of the month in the pavilion out back. Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN!!!!!!! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall… OPEN! Cranberry Lake Boat Club's NEW boating navigation Map is OUT TO THE PUBLIC! Pick up your copy at OTTO'S ABODE in WANAKENA for $11.95. Lakeside General Store CLOSED for the season Sept 30th! Oh my! Tilly's at Stone Manor was open for Ice Cream this summer, we're not sure what's next! Do you? Doesn't seem like they are going to be open. Cranberry Lake North Shore Hub has a new break wall and the public docks are TAKEN OUT OF THE LAKE FOR THE SEASON - THANKS HUBBAS! They also got the old church organ put back inside. What ever happened to Grass River Railway? We spoke with someone who’s workin’ on it! They're working on it. NEW Cranberry/Wanakena-based BLOG here: Blog | CRANBERRY B[L]OG (cranberryblog.org). Also, check this old CL website out: http://cranberrylake.com/defaults.asp
OUT WEST - NEW Book Club Meeting at Coffee Fever this Saturday. SOS FREE workshop 11/7 Wine Bottle Painting with Suzie Thaller! SOS Meeting 11/9 at 7pm. SOS Shop Local Saturday is December 4th! Clifton-Fine Hospital Memory Tree 2021 $1per bulb deadline 11/17. Lions Club Christmas Wreath orders die November 5th. Spaghetti Dinner at the American Legion 11/11 @ 5pm. Figure Skating Sign-ups NOW! Holiday Elves Angel Trees will be popping-up soon! What's The Scoop has CLOSED for the season. Twin Lakes Hotel, Coffee Fever, American Legion, Todd Hardware, Adirondack Pharmacy, Jreck Subs (will close this winter), Community Bank and Circle J’s in Star Lake are open! Alcoholics Anonymous Friday nights at 7pm in the SOS Building. Mountain Gate Redemption near Benson Mines is open. UB’s, and Adirondack Rustics, Hillside Diner in Oswegatchie are open! New limited hours at Community Bank in Star Lake effective the 13th. The old IGA is GONE; we'll miss ya! Make way for a fantastic, brand-spanking-new Dollar Store - should be built by Thanksgiving. NEW hours at the Fitness Room at CFCS: It is OPEN to community members 6pm – 8pm and 5pm - 10pm M-F and weekends 6-10am (paperwork required).
THIS TIME LAST YEAR - Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #39 - 10/29/20 - 11/04/20 (ottosabode.org)
Any questions, comments, concerns, trail condition inquiries, legends, jokes, animal sightings, cartoons, etc… Feel free to email otto@ottosabode.org or call 3158483008 or pop-in the shop! Also, we probably wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to publish your submission! Write “submission” in the subject line if emailing! Wanakena Weekly archive here: http://www.ottosabode.org/p/wanakena-weekly.html Wanakena Weekly is brought to you by the folks at Otto's Abode.