WANAKENA WEEKLY #199 - 11/16/23 - 11/22/23

Happy Thursday!

Rise and shine Clifton-Fine! Perhaps you have heard (or perhaps you have not): OTTO'S ABODE IS CLOSED FOR A THANKSGIVING BREAK! Monday 11/20/23 will be our last day OPEN before the break. WE WILL BE BACK OPEN Sunday 11/26/23 for our regular schedule of operation! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!

The PUBLIC RESTROOM has been CLOSED for the season! The PEPSI MACHINE, also. 

Not this upcoming weekend.... but the following weekend is CLIFTON FINE SHOP LOCAL SATURDAY! Saturday December 2nd. SHOP LOCAL SATURDAY is organized by The Adirondack Exhibit Center - Save Our Schoolhouse (S.O.S.) in Star Lake, NY. SOS has purchased gift certificates from local businesses and will draw winners from a pool of submitted SHOP LOCAL PASSPORTS! In other words: get a passport from the Bargain Hunter or pick one up from SOS and go around the Clifton-Fine area stopping-into business and getting your passport stamped. Submit your completed passport back to SOS and enter a chance to win gift certificates from participating businesses!!!! It's really amazing SOS puts this event together - let's give them a round of applause! Also check out the following flyer for an event held in-conjunction with SOS SHOP LOCAL SATURDAY! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE FOLKS!!!!!!