on view
“Heavily Processed is a paradigm small business that challenges consumer value based on the juxtaposition of labor/production value and material value. While commenting on the accessibility of contemporary art through the marketplace, a boutique brand of crocheted pasta begs questions of efficiency and profitability. Each strand of pasta is meticulously crocheted and blocked, the average strand taking 48 seconds to crochet, 20 seconds to block, and 38 hours to dry. The amount of labor involved in producing a Heavily Processed product tips the scale in comparison to the Great Value™ sourced material. What would you pay for crocheted Wal-Mart brand noodle?”
Nava Levenson in a multidisciplinary artist and curator based in Richmond, VA. She recently received a piece of paper from James Madison University notifying her of the completion of a BFA program. Her work investigates anthropological concepts such as ritualistic nature of food, depreciation of labor and social structure. Her work is largely comprised of installations, performances, gatherings, and recently, her own brand of food. Nava has been a recent artist in residence at Azule and Old Furnace Artist Residency as well as been in residence at Elsewhere, OxBow School of Art and Artists’ Residency and Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Recent exhibitions/performances include Radius250 at artspace in Richmond, VA and Emerging & Emerged at artWorks Gallery in Harrisonburg, VA. Nava is the recipient of a CVPA Research Grant, 2017 David Diller Outstanding Student in Studio Art Award and 2017 Senior Art Achievement Award at James Madison University where she recently received a BFA in Sculpture. Her current work investigates consumer value surrounding food production in contemporary american culture. To see more of her work, visit www.navalevenson.com