WANAKENA WEEKLY #178 06/21/23 - 06/28/23

Happy Thursday!

Coyote crossed the road leaving behind its soggy-pawed trace. 

Big WANAKENA party Tuesday the FOURTH at noon! Rain or shine.... thunder/lightening would be a no-no-though. FOURTH OF JULY FESTIVITIES! Otto's opens at 9am. Wanakena Historical Assocation BAKE SALE at 10 am. WHA Hot Dogs soon after. Parade at NOON! Line up by the cemetary around 11:40ish to be IN THE PARADE!!!!! C'MONNNNNNN! Duck race down The Oswegatchie to follow. Otto's Before/During/After party ALL DAY into THE NIGHT! Come early - stay late! See you there! JEFF DUBIS PHOTOGRAPHY ON VIEW! KIM'S PARADE HYPE DVD. DUCK SALE! NEW PRODUCE COOLER! Tuesday July 11th JAGUARDINI AND CLAUDE&OLA 7PM LIVE SONIC SLAMS! JULY 22nd POKER PADDLE and HOT CLUB OF SARATOGA. Wanakena History Center OPEN on weekend through summer. They are scraping the footbridge! What else? Try here: Events - CRANBERRY B[L]OG (cranberryblog.org)