Happy Thursday!
WITHINANUTSHELL – BIG SNOW MELT! Up to 60 Thursday. Snowmobilers out riding frozen Cranberry Lake and Inlet Flow. Burn Ban in effect! Numerous sightings of a GRAY/CANADA JAY here in the village continue. Eagles soaring overhead, too. AND GEESE! Ranger School Students on SPRING BREAK this week. New fishing sign at Moore Trail. FULL MOON SOON! Spring Fling the 26th. April 9th is a JOINT Town Board Meeting. PERHAPS THEY WILL TALK ABOUT WHERE CLIFTON-FINE GOT ITS HYPHEN FROM?!?! Probably not, though. Regular Town Board Meeting April 14th @ 6:30 Star Lake. Here’s a link to the most recent town board meeting minutes HERE: Town Of Fine: Minutes: March 09, 2022: Town Board Meeting [Digital Towpath]
FORECAST - This weather forecast is brought to you by Wanakena’s own PATTIJACKNAN weather team – a Wanakener garage-pole-mounted weather station and crew. THANKS, TEAM! This weather station can be found HERE: Wanakena, NY 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground (wunderground.com)
DOWN AT THE ABODE - NEXT FOLK JAM is March 20th! Next Sunday! 3-5pm! We're open here 6 days a week (closed Tuesdays) calmly gazing into the post-President's Day winter abyss; March is upon us! Snow Croquet Course going STRONG!!!!!!! Cartoon Contest is up on view in the gallery. Take a seat and spend some time. Produce rack remains STOCKED. Nearly half of it comes from Juniper Hill Farm, an organic farm on the eastern edge of the Adirondacks. Bread, milk, eggs and many more dry, cold and frozen groceries. Candy, snacks, ice cream and soft drinks, too. HOT COFFEE and baked goods at the counter. Books, maps, music for your browsing pleasure. Camping/fishing/hiking knickknack patty-whacks. Over SIXTY varieties of beer/cider/etc... in the walk-in cooler. Why be a square when you could be a deconstructed cube?
ON VIEW - FIRST ANNUAL CARTOON CONTEST AND EXHIBITION. ----- The other day while mindlessly thumbing through social media, wasting away precious minutes of my short time here on earth, the following inspirational-meme-quote appeared: "Make decisions as if you were on your deathbed.". A couple of days later the surficial "you only live once" interpretation was challenged by a pot of coffee. You see, there was an old, unfinished pot of coffee perched and warming on the machine. It had been there since morning and had cooked down to a dark, burnt-smelling mud. Recalling the meme, I wondered: If I were on my death bed, what I would do? Would I dump-out the coffee-sludge for a new pot and live-up my last moments on earth with fresh coffee or would I poetically drink the old, toasty coffee soup? Had I been on my death bed in that moment perhaps I would embrace the undesired brew and gulp it down deep into my decaying physical form. Considering the fact that I was not on my literal death bed I dumped it and made a new pot. This existential conundrum seemed to me as well-suited for exploring though the cartoon-form. ----- The collection of TEN cartoons will remain displayed ON VIEW on the gallery wall of Otto's Abode for all to see from February 18th - March 28th. ----- Voting occurs in-person during regular operational hours of Otto's Abode February 18th - March 14th. Winners announced Wednesday, March 16th. CASH PRIZES awarded for "Funniest Cartoon", "Best Cartoon", and "Best Artwork". Winning cartoons will also be published in Clifton-Fine's Bargain Hunter the week of Tuesday, March 22nd.
WHAT'S WINTER LIKE? - All summer long we get asked questions like: "Are you from here?" and a whole lot of: "What's winter like?" So, in celebration of WINTER we're going to try and compile a list of WHAT'S WINTER LIKE? comments HERE: #12: No comment... who asks a question like that? #11: RUSHED! Yes, that's right! Before you know it everyone wants it to end! This week we change the clocks and next week IS SPRING. #10: Powerful. A couple days ago Wanakena was experiencing heaving snow and squall conditions. If felt nearly sublime standing out in the weather knowing how far out in the forest you are. #9: QUIET!!!! Okay, we've talked about sound already... let's talk about a nice, quiet, introspective March. Cheers. It's why we live up here, right! SOME PEACE AND QUIET, DAMNIT! #8 TIME TO PARTY! This weekend is Clifton-Fine's own version of a Winter Carnival. Almost TEN years ago some local folks came up with the idea of Whiteout Weekend. There was NO WOW last year due to Covid, but this year it's BACK. Bundle-up and lets CELEBRATE! #7: Sometimes rainy - yes, yuck... RAIN! Folks sure do love those warm winter days in the high 30s low 40s (like we had yesterday). #6: This one was submitted by reader and Wanakener Resa E., she writes: BLUE SKIES! and wow we couldn't agree more. What an outstanding sight is a crystal-clear blue sky on a FREEZING COLD cloudless day in Wanakena. Thanks for your submission, Resa! #5: SONICALLY ALIVE WHEN ALL IS STILL! - Wow, the other night it was inching towards 20 below (which the old timers laugh at) and the moon was full. The village was SILENT. And then you hear it... POP.... CRACK.... silence... POP! The trees let you know. Sometimes durring the day a pop will awaken chilly birds hiding in trees... they all go "meeeep!". The still silence of the night. Under your feet... *crunch crunch crunch*... stop... silence... POP! WOW! WE'RE TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE!!!!! POP! #4: We'll share a recent thought-provoking headline below instead... #3: Lively! Wow! What a fun weekend seeing everyone! Quiet is nice, too. But great party! Thanks for coming out, everyone! Happy New Year! #2: Sounds different... YES it SOUNDS different. One MAJOR sound difference is the earthy "DUNK" a croquet wicket makes when it's frozen solid in the ground. #1: COLD. Yes, it's COLD. 3 degrees this morning. There, got that one out of the way.
WANAKENA POST OFFICE 13695 - Open for business! Thanks, Mary for running the show!
BLACKWATERS CAFÉ AND TRADING POST - Regular hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 8am-3pm & Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 8am - 7pm. Closed Sunday and Monday. www.blackwaterscafe.com - CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM OF THE AIRBNB NEXT DOOR!
RANGER SCHOOL - Will there be a RS Reunion this summer? YES, THERE WILL BE! Campus hiking trails remain open to the public. Stay away from the buildings, though. Class of 2022 is IN SESSION! CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM. Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #58 - 03/11/21 - 03/17/21 (ottosabode.org)
PACKBASKET ADVENTURES – Website says: "We are OPEN FOR BUSINESS and following NYS DOH Guidelines. We are accepting reservations with proof of completed vaccination protocol OR proof of negative Covid test within 3 days of planned arrival. Come have a safe and relaxing stay!
WANAKENA ACCOMODATIONS - Lots of primitive camping!!!!!! All free and open to the public!!!!!! Looking for more? Besides Packbasket Adventures Lodge, Wanakena has a number of "vacation" rental homes available. They are all of ADKbyOWNER/AirBnB/VrVo variety. It's someone else's place that YOU stay at. In other words: you can't just show up in Wanakena and expect to get a hotel roof under your head. You need to plan accordingly with your fancy pants smart phone. Do an internet search for Wanakena rentals and stuff will pop-up. WELCOME TO WANAKENA & CRANBERRY LAKE, NY.... no bars and no hotels! We DO know how to have a good time, though! Plenty of non-profits and clubs also, if you're into that kind of stuff. C'mon around and check it out - we don't bite!
WANAKENA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION – WHA Donation Jar down here at Otto's! The bottle and can cart is GONE for the winter. The Walking Tour around Wanakena is CLOSED for the cold-weather season! The History Center is CLOSED for the cold-weather season! WHA Picture Kiosks can still be seen around town, though. Quilt by Carol Cassidy and Primrose McVay - $5 tickets - drawing on 4th of July.
WANAKENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION – Under a blanket of snow. Cremation Remains burial has gone up from $150 to $250. Also, there is no longer a backhoe charge for cremation burial because they don’t use a backhoe for cremation burials any longer.
WANAKENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION – Under a blanket of snow. Cremation Remains burial has gone up from $150 to $250. Also, there is no longer a backhoe charge for cremation burial because they don’t use a backhoe for cremation burials any longer.
WANAKENA HISTORICAL CHURCH – Wanakena Church CLOSED for Fall, Winter and Spring. Service schedule September 12th - May 29, 2022: Star Lake 11:00am. ZOOM meeting # 666 365 4813.
WANAKENA PUBLIC BATHROOM AND DOCK - The Town of Fine took down the BIG NASTY DEAD white pine that has loomed over the beach for the past few years. YAY! Thanks, crew! Public Bathroom CLOSED for the season. Public dock CLOSED for the Season. Well, not "closed", rather, moved to its winter hiatus position down-river. Reason? Freezin'.
HAREWOOD – CRANBERRY LAKE BOAT CLUB Ice Out Contest is CLOSED - we'll report back with what we hear! More information on the CLBC Facebook Page! Snowmobile trails are looking rough and won't be open for much longer! Our local club is THE CRANBERRY LAKE MOUNTENEERS! Lake Ice is reported to be AT LEAST 12 inches thick AND IS known to be even THICKER! Folks were snowmobiling on it yesterday! Clifton Community Library in Cranberry Lake is OPEN Tuesday – Friday 10:00-2:00, Saturday 10:00-1:00, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:00, ****CLOSED ON MONDAYS****. Library Board holds public meetings the 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6pm. Cranberry Lake Book Club first Mondays of the month in the basement. Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN!!!!!!! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall… OPEN! Cranberry Lake Boat Club's NEW boating navigation Map is OUT TO THE PUBLIC! Pick up your copy at OTTO'S ABODE in WANAKENA for $11.95. Cranberry Lake North Shore Hub has a new break wall, and the public docks are TAKEN OUT OF THE LAKE FOR THE SEASON - THANKS HUBBAS! Tilly's Stone Manor is CLOSED for the winter BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE GETTING THE OL' NEON SIGN FIXED-UP! Lakeside General Store CLOSED for the season.
HAREWOOD – CRANBERRY LAKE BOAT CLUB Ice Out Contest is CLOSED - we'll report back with what we hear! More information on the CLBC Facebook Page! Snowmobile trails are looking rough and won't be open for much longer! Our local club is THE CRANBERRY LAKE MOUNTENEERS! Lake Ice is reported to be AT LEAST 12 inches thick AND IS known to be even THICKER! Folks were snowmobiling on it yesterday! Clifton Community Library in Cranberry Lake is OPEN Tuesday – Friday 10:00-2:00, Saturday 10:00-1:00, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:00, ****CLOSED ON MONDAYS****. Library Board holds public meetings the 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6pm. Cranberry Lake Book Club first Mondays of the month in the basement. Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN!!!!!!! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall… OPEN! Cranberry Lake Boat Club's NEW boating navigation Map is OUT TO THE PUBLIC! Pick up your copy at OTTO'S ABODE in WANAKENA for $11.95. Cranberry Lake North Shore Hub has a new break wall, and the public docks are TAKEN OUT OF THE LAKE FOR THE SEASON - THANKS HUBBAS! Tilly's Stone Manor is CLOSED for the winter BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE GETTING THE OL' NEON SIGN FIXED-UP! Lakeside General Store CLOSED for the season.
OUT WEST - Coffee Fever appears to remain closed. Ice Rink has closed down for the season. Snowmobile trails won't be open for much longer! St. Patrick's Day dinner at The Legion. Wanakena's closest neighbor, Mountain Gate Redemption near Benson Mines, is open. A little further west Twin Lakes Hotel, American Legion, Todd Hardware, Adirondack Pharmacy, Dollar General and Circle J’s in Star Lake are open! SOS in Star Lake is lookin' good! CF Community Center, too! Still further west within Clifton-Fine, UB’s, and Adirondack Rustics in Oswegatchie are open! Hillside Diner CLOSING for winter - hiring NOW! Community Bank has different/random hours. What's The Scoop has CLOSED for the season. Golf Course and Jreck's too. They'll be back! CFCSD Fitness Room: OPEN to community members 6pm – 8pm and 5pm - 10pm M-F and weekends 6-10am (paperwork required). GO EAGLES! Also, the school is ALWAYS hiring, various positions. Clifton Fine Hospital in Star Lake is open. Alcoholics Anonymous Friday nights at 7pm in the SOS Building.
KIM AND THOMS LOST DOG REPORT - As of today, there are NO lost dogs in Wanakena.
KIM AND THOMS LOST DOG REPORT - As of today, there are NO lost dogs in Wanakena.
THIS TIME LAST YEAR HERE - Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #58 - 03/11/21 - 03/17/21 (ottosabode.org) AND TWO YEARS AGO!!!!! HERE: Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY #6 - 03/19/20 - 03/25/20 (ottosabode.org)
Any questions, comments, concerns, trail condition inquiries, legends, jokes, animal sightings, cartoons, etc… Feel free to email otto@ottosabode.org or call 3158483008 or pop-in the shop! Also, we probably wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to publish your submission! Write “submission” in the subject line if emailing! Wanakena Weekly is archived on our website. Wanakena Weekly is brought to you by the folks at Otto's Abode