Happy Thursday!
FORECAST - Wow!!!! 60s through the weekend! Looking really nice! No major weather/rain events forecast for the near future. Get out there and enjoy it! This weather forecast is brought to you by Wanakena’s own PATTIJACKNAN weather team – a Wanakener garage-pole-mounted weather station and crew. THANKS, TEAM! This weather station can be found HERE: Wanakena, NY 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground (wunderground.com)
THE ADIRONDACK TRAIL RIDE 2021 - TRACK IT HERE - This weekend!!!!! Keep your eyes peeled for Mountain Bikers passing though Wanakena. They will enter the village VIA The Moore Trail and zip right through town turning left up 2nd Street, a right up Ranger School Road and past Ranger School onto The Peavine Swamp Trail. WOOHOO!!!! From the website: TATR is a 585 mile, solo, self-supported bikepacking adventure through the Adirondack Mountains of New York State. The annual grand depart is the second Friday of September, or riders can tour the route at any time. Riders will depart Northville’s Waterfront Park on Friday, September 10th at 8am. Follow the route on Trackleaders.com The route starts and ends in the Village of Northville at the town’s Waterfront Park. It is an adventure that stays true to the Adirondack Park: a journey from the southern foothills to the rugged interior, and on to the vast north and the picturesque Champlain Valley. It is a loop through a beautiful and diverse eastern wilderness on trail, pavement, and dirt road.
BOAT TAXIS NEEDED - An Adirondack Glamping Troop is attempting the Cranberry Lake 50 this weekend and they need your help: We are a group of 9 adults total. We will be conducting the first-ever Cranberry Lake 50 Hut-to-Hut Trip, organized through Adirondack Hamlets to Huts in cooperation with the Five Ponds Partners. We are in need of 4 shuttles, as follows. We prefer one trip each time, either with one big boat, or two smaller boats. We can pay $100 per trip, or make a donation.
Sunday, Sept. 12, pick-up from Chair Rock Flow at 5:30 p.m., shuttle to Wanakena dock.
Monday, Sept. 13, pick-up at Wanakena dock at 8 a.m., shuttle to Chair Rock Flow
Monday, Sept. 13, pick up at Janack’s Landing at 4:30 p.m., shuttle to Wanakena dock.
Tuesday, Sept. 14, pick-up at Wanakena dock at 8 a.m., shuttle to Janack’s Landing - Thanks! - Jamie Savage - Ranger School Professor. Here is a photo Steve Moyer sent us a couple days ago taken from an airplane.... THANKS STEVE!!!! Beautiful!
Monday, Sept. 13, pick-up at Wanakena dock at 8 a.m., shuttle to Chair Rock Flow
Monday, Sept. 13, pick up at Janack’s Landing at 4:30 p.m., shuttle to Wanakena dock.
Tuesday, Sept. 14, pick-up at Wanakena dock at 8 a.m., shuttle to Janack’s Landing - Thanks! - Jamie Savage - Ranger School Professor. Here is a photo Steve Moyer sent us a couple days ago taken from an airplane.... THANKS STEVE!!!! Beautiful!
DOWN AT THE ABODE - New Paintings by Wanakena's own Bev McKeown. More info below. Junk Drawer Exhibit remains on view with some new additions. NEW stocked on the shelves: ART SUPPLIES. Drawing materials such as colored pencils, oil pastels, watercolor kits and a variety of drawing paper pads. The front porch is PACKED with produce. Delivery arrives Wednesday and we keep it stocked all week. Eggs and milk too. Dry goods in cans, dry goods in boxes, dry goods in bags, frozen meats, local cheeses, snack sacks, candy racks and more. Cold drinks, hot coffee. Walk-in cooler holds COLD beer, cider, seltzers and more! Books, maps, gifts and necessities. Trail information for any wondering soul; stop in the shop or give us a call. Right along the Cranberry Lake 50 and a hop skip and a jump up from the Oswegatchie River/Cranberry Lake! Post office next door for all your mailing needs 10-noon M-Sat - thanks, Mary! When else can we say? LOTS, but we've said enough!
ON VIEW - Paintings; Our Local Landscape - NEW Paintings by Wanakena's own Bev McKeown. On view at Otto's Abode September 1st - October 11th, 2021. Some words from Bev about the show: Nothing is more exciting than looking at an array of colorful paints, painting surfaces and a beautiful landscape to stimulate one's curiosity and creativity. The paintings in this show all began with a vision: to embrace the colorful and dramatic beauty of our local landscape. My approach to painting varies greatly, often starting with one particular medium and ending in a mix of many. Redoing the exact scene over and over is a common occurrence. There is seldom an initial sketch drawn onto the canvas or paper. Instead, I just jump in and let the creative process begin, applying color to various section of the painting surface while establishing its composition and values. This is done very quickly, loosely and spontaneously to avoid over-thinking. It allows the freedom to relax and enjoy the unknown. A variety of painting mediums and painting surfaces opens the door for various painting styles to develop. Doing so, keeps painting interesting and challenging as I curiously explore the art of painting. Bev considers herself mostly a self taught artist, having experience in adult education classes and workshops. As a school age child Bev began sketching and learning the primary principles of art. She later progressed to oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolor and alcohol ink. Her work has been in various shows throughout the years. She finds nothing more fun and relaxing than to sit by her easel and “play” with paints. She calls it her “zen”. Bev Lives in Wanakena, NY.
BLACKWATERS CAFÉ AND TRADING POST - "NOTE: We have suspended online ordering for 2 weeks – till after Labor Day. With in-person orders, it often gets to be too many orders all at the same time. Thank you for understanding!" & "Our Trading Post is growing! Not only can you grab a good bite to eat – you can shop for meats, cheeses and produce at our deli case, buy lures for fishing, find camping supplies, pick up a gift, your favorite teas, basic groceries, K-cups, specialty foods and t-shirts!" They are open Sun, Tues, Wed 8-3pm & Thurs, Fri, Sat 8-7pm (closed Mondays). CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM HERE: gotsnowcams.com - New York - paul@NorthernChateau@.com
WANAKENA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION – COOL TOTEM POLE! From a former Wanakena resident Ron Caton. Grand opening of the History Center was held on Saturday, August 21st! History Center is open Saturdays 10-2pm or make an appointment to check the place out! The Walking Tour around Wanakena is OPEN for the warm-weather season! Bottle and can drive outside of the History Center ALL SUMMER LONG! Get chuggin' and give up those nickels and NO DOG POO BAGS!!
PACKBASKET ADVENTURES – Website says: "We are OPEN FOR BUSINESS and following NYS DOH Guidelines. We are accepting reservations with proof of completed vaccination protocol OR proof of negative Covid test within 3 days of planned arrival. Come have a safe and relaxing stay!"
RANGER SCHOOL - Students are BACK. Campus hiking trails are open to the public. Stay away from the buildings, though. CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM HERE: Webcam | The Ranger School | SUNY ESF
WANAKENA CHURCH – Wanakena Church CLOSED for Fall - Winter - Spring. Service schedule September 12th - May 29, 2022: Star Lake 11:00am. ZOOM meeting # 666 365-4813.
WANAKENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION – Got yer raffle tickets? Announced that Cremation Remains burial has gone up from $150 to $250. Also, there is no longer a backhoe charge for cremation burial because they don’t use a backhoe for cremation burials any longer.
HAREWOOD – NEW Cranberry/Wanakena-based BLOG here: Blog | CRANBERRY B[L]OG (cranberryblog.org). Tilly's at Stone Manor is OPEN (and hiring)! Check their facebook for hours. Clifton Community Library OPEN 6 days a week: Mon-Fri 10-2pm also Wed 6-7pm and Saturdays 10-1pm. Cranberry Lake Book Club first Mondays of the month in the pavilion out back. Cranberry Lake North Shore Hub has a new break wall and the public docks are laid out for YOU to dock your boat in Cranberry Lake! Lakeside General Store is OPEN! Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN!!!!!!! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall… OPEN! What ever happened to Grass River Railway? We spoke with someone who’s workin’ on it! Also, check this out: http://cranberrylake.com/defaults.asp
HAREWOOD – NEW Cranberry/Wanakena-based BLOG here: Blog | CRANBERRY B[L]OG (cranberryblog.org). Tilly's at Stone Manor is OPEN (and hiring)! Check their facebook for hours. Clifton Community Library OPEN 6 days a week: Mon-Fri 10-2pm also Wed 6-7pm and Saturdays 10-1pm. Cranberry Lake Book Club first Mondays of the month in the pavilion out back. Cranberry Lake North Shore Hub has a new break wall and the public docks are laid out for YOU to dock your boat in Cranberry Lake! Lakeside General Store is OPEN! Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN!!!!!!! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall… OPEN! What ever happened to Grass River Railway? We spoke with someone who’s workin’ on it! Also, check this out: http://cranberrylake.com/defaults.asp
OUT WEST - The old IGA is simply a pile of ruble these days... Dollar Store on the way. This Weekend: Saturday, September 11th Star Lake Fire and Rescue Field Day! Classic Car Cruise-In Parade and Fireworks!!!! Big party! CF Hospital Craft Fair Sat, Sept 11th 10-3pm Clifton-Fine Arena! NEW hours at the Fitness Room at CFCS: It is OPEN to community members 6pm – 8pm and 5pm - 10pm M-F and weekends 6-10am (paperwork required). Donate school supplies at Coffee Fever! Jrecks Subs OPEN out at the Golf Course Club House. WHAT'S THE SCOOP? Hard and soft serve ice cream on rt. 3 on the right heading up the hill into Star Lake - new hours announced. Clifton Fine Hospital is HIRING! Clifton Fine Central School is HIRING Bus Drivers, Facilities Maintenance, and many substitute positions! Mountain Gate Redemption near Benson Mines is open. Golf course is open. Twin Lakes Hotel, Coffee Fever, American Legion, Todd Hardware, Adirondack Pharmacy, Community Bank and Circle J’s in Star Lake are open! Alcoholics Anonymous Friday nights at 7pm in the SOS Building. UB’s, and Adirondack Rustics, Hillside Diner in Oswegatchie are open! They are taring down the old IGA in Star Lake. The following is copy-pasted from the Fine Town Board Meeting hours from Wednesday 11/11/2020: Jeremy wanted the board to be aware that the Dollar General is looking into putting a store at the former Great American site. This would not be required to go to site plan review since it is not a change of use.
KIM AND THOMS LOST DOG REPORT - As of today, there are NO lost dogs in Wanakena.
THIS TIME LAST YEAR - Otto's Abode: WANAKENA WEEKLY # 31 - 09/03/20 - 09/09/20 (ottosabode.org)
Any questions, comments, concerns, trail condition inquiries, legends, jokes, animal sightings, cartoons, etc… Feel free to email otto@ottosabode.org or call 3158483008 or pop-in the shop! Wanakena Weekly archive here: http://www.ottosabode.org/p/wanakena-weekly.html Also, we probably wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to publish your submission! Write “submission” in the subject line if emailing! Wanakena Weekly is brought to you by the folks at Otto's Abode.