Happy Spring! Happy Thursday!
WITHIN NUTSHELL – Sounds like spring! The river is RUSHING! Smells like spring! Cool, refreshing, dank atmosphere! Feels like spring! Hot, hot sun you can taste. SPRING HAS ARRIVED! Spring Fling did not happen last year – but it did this year! Great job everyone! LOTS of the snow has melted, lots still remains. Birds galore; juncos, phoebes, redwing blackbird, robins, and a major grackle attack! Carol says SIX mallards, a goose and a mink are living it up over by the Mill Pond Bay, which is GUSHING! DEC says take down your bird feeders – bears are waking up! Deer at the feeder ‘round midnight. When describing the way the snow melts away from the base of the tree Early Spring. What did he say? Tree rings, ribbons, curtains? Sun curtains? Snow curtains? We’ll ask him! Good luck cross country skiing -trails are done-for. Maybe try some cramp-ons and go clump jumpin’ through the forests. ALL LOCAL SNOWMOBILE TRAILS ARE CLOSED – thank you, come again. New, spring hours at Blackwaters Café in Wanakena. LOTS of state troopers in town (see below). Clifton Community Library has re-opened and expanded hours – but what happened to the cool sign that was up on the top of the front of the building? Stone Manor Diner and Motel is CLOSED for two weeks and will re-open Wednesday, March 31st. Cranberry Lake Ice Out Contest entry ended a couple weeks ago – we’ll keep you posted, its melting fast! Paul Smiths College’s Adirondack Watershed Institute is hiring Watershed Stewards to check boats for invasive Species – get paid to hang out at the Cranberry Lake boat launch! Also, if you own a car and drive it, do you really have to go that fast? Slow it down people, also it kicks-up less road salt + sand dust. Here’s a link to the most recent town board meeting minutes (03/10/21): HERE Here is a "snow shadow" (we'll call it) where the frost remained before the sin melted it. SEE:
ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY BURN BAN – A burn ban is in effect from March 16th through May 14th in St. Lawrence County and the rest of the state according to the DEC. Open burning is prohibited in NY, with several exceptions: Campfires less tham 3 feet in height and 4 feet in length, width and diameter are allowed; small cooking fires are allowed; fires cannot be left unattended and must be filly extinguished; only charcoal, or clean, untreated or unpainted wood can be burned; Ceremonial or celebratory bonfires are allowed. In towns with a total population less than 20,000 you may burn tree limbs with attached leaves. The limbs must be less than 6 inches in diameter and 8 feet in length (also refered to as brush). However, this is NOT allowed from March 16th – May 14th due to increased risk of wildfire.
UP THE *NOT-SO FROZEN* RAPIDS - The ICE JAM DANGER remains LOW. And it appears the danger of an Ice Jam have passed us by. This has been an ICE-JAM-LESS YEAR! ONE FOR THE BOOKS! There was A LOT of ice/snow up there too. Now the river RUSHES through the valley. Lots of shoreline clear and shoreline ice is minimum. Some large chunks here and there; just like everywhere.
FORTHCOMING – Chicken BBQ at American Legion of Benson Mines this Saturday, March 27th starting at noon. Long-term forecast says WARM! Well above 50 through the rest of the “work week” and dropping a little bit though the weekend into the 40s. Looks like it wants to rain and/or snow this weekend as well. The beginning of next week looks the same; warm-ish with some rain and/or snow here and there. WE’LL TAKE IT! This weather forecast is brought to you by Wanakena’s own PATTIJACKNAN weather team – a Wanakener garage-pole-mounted weather station and crew. THANKS, TEAM! This weather station can be found at: https://www.wunderground.com/weather/us/ny/wanakena/KNYWANAK8 Also, always beautiful photography at the Wanakena Tracks facebook page
DOWN AT THE ABODE – PLEASE WIPE YOUR FEET! There’s a lot of sand out there in the streets and on your boots and we would prefer to have as little as possible of it here on our floors. If you don’t know how, watch a youtube video or something. We’ve already got a couple of submissions for the JUNK DRAWER show! You’ve still got a couple of days for the March 28th deadline! DIG IN THOSE JUNK DRAWERS FOR THE GOOD STUFF AND BRING IT DOWN! More information below. C’MON PEOPLE!!!!!!! Oh yeah one more thing: WE SELL PACKAGED BEER!
ON VIEW – We’ll call it our JUNK DRAWER. Sometimes you need a place to put things. Uncategorical things. Things you don’t want to put in the trash. Important knickknacks you might need. They don’t really have a place, but now you know where to find them – usually. Five years ago, when Otto’s Abode first opened its doors to the public, we came into possession of some beautiful, old, glass & wood cases that had been used to display merchandise here in the store, some of which for nearly one hundred years. In a world where billion-dollar mega-media corporations hire folks like Marie Condo to tell you to get rid of everything, behold: a small “best-of” selection of GLORIOUS JUNK that has been collected and displayed in the (now) empty case behind you over the past five years.
CALL FOR ART-IFACTS - OTTO’S ABODE, an Adirondack Art-centric Inconvenience Store and Travel Agency, invites YOU to participate in a summer-long exhibition we’re calling THE JUNK DRAWER SHOW.
Five years ago, when Otto’s Abode first opened its doors to the public, we came into possession of some beautiful, old, glass & wood cases that had been used to display merchandise here at the old General Store – some of which for nearly one hundred years. Over the past five years, one of these cases became our JUNK DRAWER. It became a place to put uncategorical art-things. Previously exhibited Important art-knickknacks. A JUNK DRAWER for previously exhibited art. Well, we’ve emptied-out our JUNK DRAWER and are looking to fill this now empty, beautiful, wooden and glass case with YOUR submission.
What’s in your junk DRAWER? We invite you to practice your own form of junkology and nudge you to examine THE JUNK DRAWER as a content-rich cultural biome. We encourage you to share your findings with us! We’re looking for JUNK DRAWER goodies such as photographs, tools, oddities, hand-drawn diagrams, dust, poems, treasure, etc… this is just a small list of what we hope you’ll submit to be included in THE JUNK DRAWER SHOW. Please include a written description of WHY you submitted this object; its significance, its story. If the object came from your JUNK DRAWER it most likely fits in the beautiful, glass & wooden case we will exhibit the objects within. We’ve got a photograph of the empty case available for viewing at www.ottosabode.org.
You may drop your submission off to us directly or slap a stamp on it and mail it to: OTTO’S ABODE, PO Box 1, Wanakena, NY 13695. Please include your name, phone number, a brief project description, and any other supportive material. We ask all submissions to be received by us on or before Sunday, March 28th 2021. If applicable, please include compensation for return postage. Submissions will be mailed out or picked-back up by Labor Day Weekend. If you are able, we kindly ask participants to include a suggested $10 donation fee with each submission – thanks! No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Email (ottosabode@gmail.com) or phone us (315-848-3008) with any questions. Otto’s Abode reserves the right to refuse any submission we deem inappropriate or too vulgar. Through we promise to take great care, Otto’s Abode is not responsible for reimbursement of any form for any lost, stolen, or damaged submissions. JOIN US at OTTO’S ABODE, 6 Hamele street, Wanakena, ALL SUMMER-LONG for THE JUNK DRAWER SHOW!
SNOW CROQUET – As you can see in the photograph, we’ve got grass! AND LOTS OF IT! Sorry to say folks: looks like THATS A WRAP for another successful SNOW CROQUET season! Thanks to all who braved a game! Snow croquet is SCULPTURE. It's a winter-long grooming. It brings people together with mallet and ball. Also a nice social distance sport. Croquet Croquet Croquet! "I ain't leaving no wiggle-room for you! You've been playing like crap the whole game, dude!". "REPLACE YOUR WICKET!" YAHOO!
BLACKWATERS CAFÉ AND TRADING POST – NEW ABBREVIATED APRIL HOURS ANNOUNCED! B-Dubbs will be OPEN THURS 8-3pm and FRI + SAT 8-7PM. Café menu, baked goods, basic groceries, gifts and artwork, unique teas and coffee alternatives down on Ranger School Road! BACON WEEK begins MAY 4th. ***Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we encourage take-out - and WILL NOT let in more than we are allowed. If the door is locked, we are at capacity. But if you’d still like a meal to go, order online and it will be prepared in the order received - or - think ahead and schedule a pickup time. Come in smaller groups. CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM: https://www.gotsnowcams.com/gotsnowcams.htm
WANAKENA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION – The Wanakena Walking Tour is “closed” for the winter… but deep in the bowels somewhere, some folks are hard at work actualizing the WANAKENA HISTORY CENTER. Here is a message from their website: Five equal partners (made up of groups of families and friends) are forming an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) each pledging $25,000 for a total of $125,000 to own, renovate and restore one of the original Rich Lumber Company houses at 21 Second Street to its original facade. Their dream and intent are to provide a location for a Wanakena History Center where the WHA can continue its mission to encourage greater knowledge of the history and to display and make available for study: artifacts, relics, books, manuscripts, papers, photographs, and other records and materials relating to the history of the State of New York and particularly of Wanakena and the surrounding area.
RANGER SCHOOL - RANGER SCHOOL IS IN SESSION FOR THE 2020/21 SCHOOLYEAR, BUT THE CAMPUS IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC!!! Here’s a message from the Ranger School: The Ranger School's James F. Dubuar Memorial Forest will be closed to the public for an indefinite amount of time beginning Saturday, August 15, 2020. The Cranberry Lake 50 trail, which passes in front of the school, will remain open. This action is necessary to protect students and staff as they begin a new academic year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is a critical precaution as we work to ensure the health and success of the Class of 2021. Thank you for your cooperation. Here’s a story about it all: https://www.nny360.com/news/stlawrencecounty/property-sales/article_eeec3094-901a-531a-8a18-ab1b991b3a79.html CHECK OUT THEIR TRAIL CAM: https://www.esf.edu/rangerschool/webcam.htm
WANAKENA CHURCH - CLOSED FOR WINTER! WESTERN ADIRONDACK PRESBATYRIAN CHUCH zoom-zooms every Sunday at 10:45 using meeting #6663654813 and every morning at 9am for a Morning Prayer. WANAKENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION announced that Cremation Remains burial has gone up from $150 to $250. Also, there is no longer a backhoe charge for cremation burial because they don’t use a backhoe for cremation burials any longer.
NEW CAR BRIDGE - AS OF 11/25/20 THE NEW WANAKENA CAR BRIDGE IS OPEN FOR PUBLIC USE!!!! AS OF 12/22/20 THE TEMPORARY BRIDGE IS FULLY DISMANTLED!!! And as they’ve been saying around Wanakena: WE’LL BE DRIVING OVER THAT NEW BRIDGE IN NO TIME!!!!! And ALAS! WE DO! Now that the bridge is WIDE OPEN, watch out for speedsters!!!
HAREWOOD: WELCOME BACK!!!!! THE LIBRARY IS OPENING FOR IN PERSON BROWSING 2 DAYS A WEEK IN APRIL & OUR HOURS ARE CHANGING BACK TO 10-2 TO BETTER SERVE YOU!!! Starting Monday, April 5th the library will be open every Monday & Wednesday 10:00-2:00 by appointment or, when available, by dropping in. A sign on the window will let patrons know “open” for drop ins or “busy” with patrons. Time slots are 20 minutes. Two patrons at a time may visit the library, in addition to the one staff member. If patrons live in one household the library may allow more than two patrons, at their discretion. Browsing and checking items in/out is the only available service at this time. (No computers, sitting area). All patrons must adhere to signing in, masking, social distancing and all other COVID regulations. PPE/Sanitizer & a sign in sheet will be available on the shelves outside the library. Books should not be re-shelved after browsing them. The library will be cleaned by library staff in between patron visits. Curbside service at the community center or at coffee fever for pick up is still available!!! Order books, DVDs, Audiobooks, and many more items by visiting our on-line catalog at http://www.ncls.org or call us at 315-848-3256 (please leave a message). You will be notified to pick up reserved items at our weekly curbside pick-up on Wednesdays 10:00-2:00 & 6:00-7:00. You may also request pickup at Coffee Fever in Star Lake. You will be contacted directly when your curbside pickup is ready for you. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR LOCAL LIBRARY! STAY SAFE!
Stone Manor Diner and Motel is CLOSED and will re-open Wednesday, March 31st! Tooley Pond Duck Decoy Showroom in Cranberry Lake is OPEN (call first)!!!!!!! John Dragun NEON ARTWORK and MORE down in Windfall… OPEN! Check out the Cranberry Lake Boat Club and The North Shore Hub on Facebook. The Cranberry Lake Fire Department will NOT be checking and facebook-reporting the ice thickness as in years prior: FISH AT YOUR OWN RISK! LAKESIDE GENERAL STORE IN CRANBERRY LAKE IS CLOSED FOR THE LONG WINTER SEASON.
NEWTON FALLS: Robust discussion of Newton Falls on Facebook HERE
OUT WEST: Coffee Fever is back open after a covid/winter hiatus. AMERICAN LEGION has been OPEN - BBQ this weekend! Todd Hardware, Adirondack Pharmacy and Circle K in Star Lake are OPEN! Though we heard Circle K no longer sells beer! YIKES! UB’s, and Adirondack Rustics in Oswegatchie are OPEN! Community Bank in Star open! Mountain Gate Redemption near Benson Mines is open. Both Twin Lakes and SOS in Star Lake got a fresh paint job but remain temporarily closed since March 2020. TWIN LAKES MIGHT BE OPENING SOON (APRIL). The following is copy-pasted from the Fine Town Board Meeting hours from Wednesday 11/11/2020: Jeremy wanted the board to be aware that the Dollar General is looking into putting a store at the former Great American site. This would not be required to go to site plan review since it is not a change of use. HERE IS A RECENT ADIRONDACK ENTERPRISE ARTICLE ABOUT A DOLLAR GENERAL IN WILLMINGTON, NY (NEAR WHITEFACE MOUNTAIN) https://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/news/local-news/2021/02/plans-submitted-for-wilmington-dollar-general/ HERE’S ANOTHER STORY ABOUT ONE OPENING IN BLOOMINGDALE: https://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/news/local-news/2021/03/dollar-general-planned-for-bloomingdale/ THEY ARE SPREADING EXPONENTIALLY - what role will you play?
KIM AND THOMS LOST DOG REPORT: As of today, there are NO lost dogs in Wanakena. No LOST dogs, but some folks around town may have noticed a lot of STATE TROOPERS kickin’round. Turns out there were a group of troops training a new force dog! That’s right! If your kitty was peacefully sleeping in the warm spring sun and all of a sudden it’s fur flicked up and it’s blood curdled from a yelp of a professionally trained German Shepard – now you know! Here is a photo of some chalk markers signifying where the pup has been sniffing. Cryptic State Trooper street art!
Any questions, comments, concerns, trail condition inquiries, legends, jokes, animal sightings, cartoons, etc… Feel free to email otto@ottosabode.org or call 3158483008 or pop-in the shop! Wanakena Weekly archive here: http://www.ottosabode.org/p/wanakena-weekly.html Also, we probably wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to publish your submission!
“Come thou sweet, delicious juice, and from the pregnant maple pour and fill my cauldrons. Tis almost as much as one can do to keep his hat upon his head, and his head upon his shoulders, during this turbulent month!” -Robert B. Thomas (1815)