Red Line

Red Line is a community sourced map-making experiment aimed at exploring the Adirdondack community of Clifton-Fine - where Otto's Abode is located. The term Red Line comes from the first "element" that was placed (painted) on the surface of the object - a large canvas. Existing for months a seemingly minimal/abstract painting - a blank canvas with a red squiggle- several local visitors to Otto's Abode were able to "crack the code" and recognize the distinct shape and personalty of the line and successfully identify it as a character within the Clifton-Fine community. Decisions as to what elements are added next are fueled by conversations held; suggestions may be made, lessons learned. Red Line seems to be blurring and bending the boundaries of what most maps describe Clifton-Fine as. Over a year in the making, additional elements have slowly found their way onto the canvas. An objective of Red Line is to allow the surface-image to remain ambiguous; is it a modernist painting or a map? Red Line will remain on view at Otto's Abode for as long as it takes.