on view

THE FRIDGE SHOW - 5/22-6/17-18

Jennifer Weigel
Allen Ditch 
Kim Snyder
717 Family Collective
Natalie Vavercheck
Hattie Eshleman
Nolan Fedorow
Esther McKeever 
Susan Ziemba
Dave Ziemba

Ah, the fertile fridge door! Land of ephemeral accessibility; temple of temporality! An information-station of your manipulation. Home to the surficial shuffle of seemingly unconscious printed, minted, clinching and pinching forces. Parties suspended for scrutination and celebration; withheld together from gravitational cascade to linoleum-prone demise.

And then what? How long does this last? What’s going on here? THIS WORKS!!! What keeps something locked in a vertical state? PERMANENT FIXTURES?! permanent fixtures? What? When is it time to go?

As if pulled by magnetic force, delighted to delve, we look to the primitive and resilient organism lichen as a source of inspiration and admiration. Lichen - which is in fact two organisms (algae and fungi) thriving as a symbiotic team – is not only one of the oldest living organisms on this planet but has also been known to be a dependable bio-indicator of air quality; visible proof of environments apt for environing (M.Sutton). Lichenometry is a much, much more than a sensual and swampy-sounding word… it’s also a geomorphic method of geochronologic dating that liken growth to determine exposed bedrock - especially useful for dating surfaces under 500 years.

We invited you to practice your own form of fridgeometry and nudged you to examine magnetic (and non-magnetic?) surfaces around you as a cultural biomes prime for spontaneously assemblaged public exhibition. We encouraged you to share your findings with us!! We aked you to send us artifacts such as written stories, photographs, actual magnets, drawings, sculpture, dust, portraits, car bumpers, favorite restaurant menus (referencing notable dishes), combinations of the above, etc… this is just a small list of what we hoped you’d submit to be included in THE FRIDGE SHOW.

We are please to present to the public our collective findings...

JOIN US at OTTO’S ABODE, 6 Hamele street, Wanakena, 5-8pm, Friday May 25th for THE FRIDGE SHOW exhibition opening celebration! This event is free and open to the public. There will be snacks, drinks, music and more! THE FRIDGE SHOW will be on view at Otto’s Abode May 22nd – June 17th.